God Shows His Power


Use the following thoughts and questions to have a spiritual conversation as a family. Don’t

emphasize having the right answer, but focus on spending time discussing the Word as a family.


Exodus 6:2-8; 12:3-7, 12-13, 29-32.


In this week’s session, we studied the plagues and Passover in Exodus 6-12. God was faithful to remember His promises and rescued the Israelites with His mighty hand. Through the plagues, God demonstrated that He was the one, true God. Through the Passover, God demonstrated both His justice and mercy, pointing us ultimately to the cross. Here are some of the main things we saw in the story:

• God promises to deliver His people (Ex. 6:2-8).
• God delivers His people from judgment (Ex. 12:3-7, 12-13). • God delivers His people through judgment (Ex. 12:29-32).


• Why is it important for us to keep our word if we want to be like Jesus?
• What do you think we have to do for God to “pass over” our sins?
• How might we need to let go of stubbornness and have a soft heart toward God?


Research how to make a passover meal. There are many videos and articles online explaining what you will need and how to prepare it. Then, choose a day of the week to make it as a family. When you finish the meal, read through the passover meal Jesus had with his disciples (Matt. 26:18-30). There, Jesus began a new meal called the Lord’s Supper, commemorating the salvation He would accomplish as our Passover Lamb.