Set Apart


Use the following thoughts and questions to have a spiritual conversation as a family. Don’t

emphasize having the right answer, but focus on spending time discussing the Word as a family.


Exodus 40:1-15, 34-38.


In this week’s session, we studied how Moses consecrated the tabernacle in Exodus 40. It was set apart as the center of Hebrew worship. Here are some of the main things we learned from the story:

• Worship centers on holiness (Ex. 40:1-11).
• Worship centers on service (Ex. 40:12-15).
• Worship centers on God’s presence (Ex. 40:34-38).


• How can holy living be a way of worshiping God?
• What are ways that we can serve each other and our church?
• What can we do to praise and worship God as a daily lifestyle?


We worship God as we serve Him and others. Discuss various ways you can serve more as a family. How can you serve each other more? How can you serve your neighbors, school, co-workers, etc.? How can each of you contribute to the church by serving? Take some action steps this week in each of those areas, and talk to a pastor or ministry leader to let them know you would like to find ways to serve.