NEW: TWO SERVICE TIMES - starting in 2025, we will begin worship at 8:30 & 10:15 am

CrossWinds Extension Sites

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What Is An Extension Site?

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  1. CrossWinds Extension sites are independent churches or gatherings of believers that request the right to use video teaching, small group resources, and other material from CrossWinds.

  2. CrossWinds Extension sites are approved by the Elders of CrossWinds Church.

  3. CrossWinds Extension sites are independent and not part of the CrossWinds Church governancE structure.

  4. CrossWinds staff occasionally meet with extension site members to provide encouragement, prayer, and council.

  5. Crosswinds Extension sites are treated as new EFCA church plants or church replants. As such, they make use of church plant resources from the EFCA national and regional offices.

  6. CrossWinds Church leadership sets growth goals for an extension sites. If they achieve that number, they are allowed to apply to CrossWinds church leadership to become a full-campus. If they are accepted as a full-campus, all existing extension site governance is dissolved and CrossWinds Church assumes leadership from that point forward.

  7. CrossWinds elders reserves the right to revoke extension site status at any time.

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Where Can I Find An Extension Site?

New Beginning Churchs in Windom, MN is our first extension site. They have used video teaching from CrossWinds since 2017. They currently meet at 580 Cindy St., Windom, MN. Services are Sunday at 9:00 a.m. with Sunday School following the service.

How Do I Become An Extension Site?

If your church or group wishes to become a CrossWinds Extension site, please contact CrossWinds Church to be interviewed by staff and elders. Let's see if becoming a CrossWinds Extension Site is the right for you!

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