Saul the People's King


Use the following thoughts and questions to have a spiritual conversation as a family. Don’t

emphasize having the right answer, but focus on spending time discussing the Word as a family.


1 Samuel 8:4-9; 10:1-10,17-24


In this week’s session, we looked at the story of Israel wanting a king like the surrounding nations. Despite God’s presence, guidance, and power among them for generations, they rejected Him in favor of a king like the Canaanites. Here are some of the main highlights of the story in 1 Samuel:

• Israel demands a human king (1 Sam. 8:4-9)
• Samuel anoints Saul as king (1 Sam. 9:1-2; 10:1-10) • God reveals Saul as king (1 Sam. 10:17-24)


• How might our calendar reveal what is truly our king?
• What kinds of things can become a substitute for God in our lives? • How can our lives show that Jesus is our King?


Encourage each family member to do some research about a king in human history. What made them unique? What did they accomplish? What were their weaknesses? After each person has shared their findings with the family, discuss why Jesus is the best king of all. What makes Him unique? What were His accomplishments? How does He compare to the kings of history?