Confusing Bible Stories: Why do bad things Happen?

Lesson 5 Why do bad things happen

Use the following thoughts and questions to have a spiritual conversation as a family. Don’t emphasize having the right answer, but focus on spending time discussing the Word as a family. 


Job 1:1, 6-12, 20-22, 


We are concluding our series, Problematic Stories in the Bible. We are going to spend the next couple weeks looking at stories that have been brought up to try to show that God is messed up, abusive, or evil. We will dive into what we don't understand as 21st century westerners and many times understanding eastern Jewish culture makes these stories make way more sense and gives a great awe who God is.

This week we looked at the life of Job. The big question we are answering why do bad things happen. The beginning of Job we are faced with God offering up Job to satan to test. 

The center of the book of Job we find this, “The whole point of the chapter is that true wisdom belongs to God. Only He knows where to find it and only He can unearth the amazing treasures of wisdom that come from His divine perspective. This is an incredible treasure to be buried in the center of a book about a guy who loses everything.”

An important part of Job is retribution theology. Good things come to those that love God and bad things to those who don't. Job’s friends assume he has sinned, Job knows he has not and then questions God. We know this theology is wrong. 

There is no resolution to Job’s suffering. God just kind of asks Job why he thinks he knows better than God, and then thats the end. But we understand suffering can come from 3 places. My sin can cause my own suffering, others sin can cause suffering in my life, and then we life in a fallen world where bad things happen (natural disasters, sickness, accidents, etc.)

If we try to rationalize suffering we will make mistakes like Job and his friends. Either accusing people of sin, or accusing God. So we are ore encouraged to trust God even when it doesn’t make sense. To trust the story he is making. 

Give this video a watch, 


As a Family Read Job 1:1, 6-12, 20-22, 

Job 27:2, 16:9, 9:22-23 (Job Talking)

Job 4:7-10 (Job’s Friend)

Job 38:4-7, 40:1-9 (God and Job talking)

Use these to start a discussion with your students. 

  1. What does suffering look like in for school? 
  2. What is retribution theology? Do you sometimes believe that? 
  3. How does our world explain suffering?
  4. What was Job’s attitude toward his suffering?
  5. How did God respond? 


  • How can you trust God even when life just majorly sucks? 
  • How can you as a family encourage each other in the midst of suffering? 


Encourage and/or challenge your teenagers to memorize the Scripture below.

Psalm 86:15 But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.


Thanks for all your prayers for our students and our ministry. Have an amazing week!