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Jonathan, Saul, and the Lord's Anointed

September 4, 2022 Speaker: Jordan Gowing Series: 1 Samuel | Looking for the True King

Topic: Sunday Morning Teaching Passage: 1 Samuel 18:1–30

How should we respond to Jesus, the Lord's Anointed? Join us this Sunday as we explore this question through the lens of Jonathan, Saul, and their response to David—the Lord's Anointed.

Sermon Discussion

  1. Do you get jealous with the success of others? Do you find yourself delighting in the failure of others? Why is this a dangerous heart?
  2. What is one highlight from the sermon and one question that you had after hearing the sermon?
  3. Read 1 Samuel 18:3–4. In our sermon, Jordan argues that this is not primarily an act of friendship but something deeper. What is Jonathan doing in this passage?
  4. What does Jonathan have to give up in order to follow David, the Lord’s anointed? What does this mean for you today in order to follow Jesus, the Lord’s anointed?
  5. Read 1 Samuel 18:12, 14, 28. What is the source of David’s success? How should Saul respond to this realization? How does he respond instead? 
  6. What warning must we take to heart from Saul in this passage?
  7. How might the examples of Jonathan and Saul transform your perspective, thoughts, and actions this week?

Transformation Stories

  1. Take some time as a group to share stories of how you have seen God at work in your life or the lives of others. Alternatively, take turns sharing your testimony with your group to celebrate God’s saving and transformative work in your life.

More in 1 Samuel | Looking for the True King

November 27, 2022

"In Those Days There Was No True King"

November 20, 2022

Grace is Not Too Good to Be True

November 13, 2022
