The Beginning
November 22, 2020 Speaker: Jordan Gowing Series: Mark | The King and the Cross
Topic: Sunday Morning Teaching Passage: Mark 16:1–8
The end of Mark's Gospel is the beginning of your mission. Join us this Sunday at CrossWinds Church in Spencer as we consider the resurrection from Mark 16.
Sermon Discussion Questions
- The resurrection is the beginning of, “everything sad coming untrue.” How does the promise of resurrection give us hope in the midst of loss and “everything sad”?
- What is one highlight from the sermon and one question that you had after hearing the sermon?
- Read Mark 16:1–6. What is some of the evidence Mark gives as proof of the resurrection?
- What is the significance of God raising Jesus from the dead rather than Jesus rising from the dead on his own?
- Read Mark 16:7–8. How do the women respond to the angel’s command? In what ways do you relate to the women?
- How does Mark’s ending challenge you? How might the story of these women challenge you to live differently this week?
- This week marks our last Sunday in Mark. What is one thing that you learned or appreciated from this book? What is one way that the message of this book has transformed your perspective on faith?
More in Mark | The King and the Cross
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