Joining Jesus in His Mission

November 14, 2021 Speaker: Jordan Gowing Series: Vision | Reaching People with Jesus

Topic: Sunday Morning Teaching Passage: Acts 10:1–35

When Jesus asks hard things of us, how will we respond? Will we join him in his mission? Join us this Sunday at CrossWinds Church in Spencer as we consider how God brings Peter along on his mission in Acts 10.

Sermon Discussion Questions

  1. What comes to mind when you hear our vision point, “we ask big things of people because we expect big things of God”? What does this look like practically?
  2. What is one highlight from the sermon and one question that you had after hearing the sermon?
  3. Read Acts 10:1–2, 7–8. What sticks out to you about this description of Cornelius? In what ways does Cornelius’s faith affect his horizontal actions? What does his response to the angel teach us about obeying God?
  4. Read Acts 10:9–16. In your own words, summarize what happens to Peter. What does his vision mean? Why would this be hard for Peter to grasp?
  5. Read Acts 10:17–33. What stands out to you from these verses about Peter’s “conversion to the mission of God”? 
  6. Read Acts 10:23; Romans 12:13. Why is Peter’s hospitality to these guests a big deal? What are some ways that you can practice “the big expectations” of hospitality to outsiders?
  7. As a group, skim through Hebrews 11. What are the “big asks” God makes of the people mentioned here? Can you think of other examples from the Bible?
  8. Read Matthew 10:38; Luke 14:25–33. What are some of the “big asks” Jesus makes of his people? What are some of the “big asks” God might be making of you and our church?
  9. This Time Tomorrow: Are you willing to join Jesus in his mission? How does this passage transform your thoughts, actions, or interactions at this time tomorrow?

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