The Law of Perfect Freedom

May 13, 2018 Speaker: Jordan Gowing Series: Freedom in the 10 Commandments

Topic: Sunday Morning Teaching Passage: Exodus 20:1–2

Join us this Sunday at CrossWinds Church as we look at the Ten Commandments as a response to God's deliverance of his people.

Sermon Questions

  1. What comes to mind when you think of “freedom”? Do you think “freedom” and “law” opposites? Why or why not?
  2. What is one highlight from the sermon and one question that you had after hearing the sermon?
  3. Discuss the phrase, “God’s demands on your life cannot be separated from his redemption of your life.” What demands has God placed on your life as a Christian? Why does the church today so rarely talk about the “demands” placed on our lives as Christians?
  4. Read Exodus 20:1–2; 15:1–21. How does chapter 15 describe the work of salvation for the people? Why is it significant that the Law was given after the exodus and not before?
  5. Read Exodus 19:16–20. Take a few moments to discuss the scene at Mount Sinai. What emotions would you have felt if you were present?
  6. Read Exodus 20:2. Why is it significant that the word “your” is singular? What specific commands does God have for you?
  7. Read Exodus 20:2; Genesis 15:13–14; 46:3–4; 50:24–25. What promises is God keeping in the exodus? How does this encourage obedience to his commands?
  8. Read Romans 6:17–18. What is redemption? Why is it an important biblical term when discussing salvation?
  9. Look back on your life as a Christian. Have there been times when you were more consistent in keeping God’s commands? What was your fellowship with God like during those times?
  10. Take a few moments and consider your heart: God has given you freedom in the gospel; what is your heart’s desire with that freedom?

More in Freedom in the 10 Commandments

August 5, 2018


July 22, 2018


July 15, 2018
