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Minor Prophets | Zechariah

January 12, 2025 Speaker: Jordan Gowing Series: Minor Prophets | A Few Minor Thoughts on the Prophets

Topic: Sunday Morning Teaching Passage: Zechariah 1:1– 14:21

How does God speak to us today through the book of Zechariah? Join us this week at CrossWinds Church in Spencer as we continue our sermon series through the Minor Prophets.

Sermon Discussion

  1. Have you ever studied the book of Zechariah before? What did you know of this book before our study?
  2. What is one takeaway from the sermon and one question that you had after hearing the sermon?
  3. Read 1 Peter 1:10. After our study, how would you say that Zechariah fulfills Peter’s words?
  4. Read Zechariah 1:3–6. What does it mean to “return” to the Lord? Why does Zechariah mention the failures of past generations?
  5. Look at the “overview” of the eight visions. Which of these stands out to you most? How do they point to God’s commitment to his plans for the rebuilding of the temple?
  6. Read Zechariah 3:1–5; Leviticus 16:3–6, 11, 30. What are the requirements for the high priest to enter into God’s presence? How do these verses change our understanding of Zechariah 3?
  7. Read Zechariah 7:1–10; Isaiah 58:1–7. What do these verses say about our motivation in fasting? What is the danger of going through religious acts divorced from the heart?
  8. Read Zechariah 9:9; 11:12–13; 12:10; 13: 7; Matthew 21:5; 26:15, 31; 27:5; John 19:37. What are some of the ways that Zechariah points to the crucifixion of Jesus?
  9. This Time Tomorrow: How does this passage transform your thoughts, actions, or interactions at “this time tomorrow”?

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