Am I Known for Relational Warmth?

January 29, 2023 Speaker: Jordan Gowing Series: Spiritual Health

Topic: Sunday Morning Teaching Passage: Romans 12:9–21

What does it look like to be spiritually healthy? Join us this Sunday at CrossWinds Church in Spencer as we consider the third of six questions on spiritual health: am I known for relational warmth?

Sermon Discussion

  1. Read Matthew 11:29. Do you agree with this statement from Ray Ortlund: “Gentleness is the most Christian way we can be”? If “no,” what heart characteristic from Jesus’s life would use instead?
  2. What is one takeaway from the sermon and one question that you had after hearing the sermon?
  3. Read Romans 12:9–21. Which sphere of genuine love do you need to work at most: love for those in the church or for the outsider? Which of these characteristics is God calling you to work on this week?
  4. Read Romans 12:17. This verse tells us to give thought beforehand to how we respond when we experience evil. Take some time to discuss how you can respond with gentleness rather than to “get even.”
  5. Take some time as a group to discuss each point in the sermon notes, above. What do these look like, practically? How will you begin to implement these in your life?

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