A King's Authority

February 9, 2020 Speaker: Jordan Gowing Series: Mark | The King and the Cross

Topic: Sunday Morning Teaching Passage: Mark 11:27–33

Does Jesus have the right to ask anything of me? Join us this Sunday at CrossWinds Church in Spencer as we continue looking at the Gospel of Mark.

Sermon Discussion Questions

  1. Why does our culture dislike the idea of authority? 
  2. What is one highlight from the sermon and one question that you had after hearing the sermon?
  3. Have you ever encountered a command in the Bible that you don’t want to follow? Why or why not? How did you respond?
  4. Read Mark 1:21–22. What does it mean that Jesus taught with “authority”? What are some other ways that we see the authority of Jesus on display in the Gospel of Mark?
  5. Read Mark 11:27–30. In what ways are the religious leaders trying to trap Jesus? How does Jesus turn the tables on them?
  6. In what way is Jesus’s question toward the religious leaders really an offer to respond in faith?
  7. Have you ever ignored the prompting of the Spirit? Why? What does this passage say about the danger of such a heart?
  8. Read Hebrews 3:7–8, 12–13. What is the danger of ignoring or delaying faith today?
  9. Does Jesus the King have the authority of a King in your life? What is the danger of partial obedience?
  10. What are some ways that you can respond to the gospel with greater obedience this week?

More in Mark | The King and the Cross

January 3, 2021

The Amazing Ending Of The Gospel Of Mark

November 22, 2020

The Beginning

November 15, 2020

Courage and the Cross