Jesus and Tradition
May 12, 2019 Speaker: Jordan Gowing Series: Mark | The King and the Cross
Topic: Sunday Morning Teaching Passage: Mark 7:1–13
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What does Jesus have to say about tradition? Join us this Sunday at CrossWinds Church in Spencer as we look at Mark 7.
Sermon Discussion Questions
- What are some common traditions that you see in the church? Share some that are good and some that are abused.
- What is one highlight from the sermon and one question that you had after hearing the sermon?
- What does it mean to sacrifice obedience to God’s Word for the sake of temporary traditions? What are some ways that the church does that today?
- Read Mark 6:56; Numbers 15:38–39. Why is it important to recognize that Jesus is the perfectly obedient Israelite? How is this good news?
- Read Mark 7:1–4. In your own words, explain the context of this conflict.
- What does it mean that the Jewish leaders “fenced” the Word of God? What are some ways that we can “fence” today? (Both concerning Scripture and other laws)
- Read Mark 7:5–8. How does Jesus respond to the question from the religious authorities? What two areas of concern does he bring up?
- What are some ways that good intentions in your Christian faith have sometimes devolved into one-upsmanship or nothing more than a checklist?
- Read Mark 7:9–13; Judges 11:29–40. How does Jephthah set the Word of God against itself? In what ways is this similar to what the Pharisees do in Mark 7?
- What does it mean to hold to the Word of God with your whole mind? With your whole heart? With your whole will?
- What are some ways that you may have sacrificed obedience to God’s Word under the guise of honoring God?

More in Mark | The King and the Cross
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The Amazing Ending Of The Gospel Of MarkNovember 22, 2020
The BeginningNovember 15, 2020
Courage and the Cross