A New Authority

October 28, 2018 Speaker: Jordan Gowing Series: Mark | The King and the Cross

Topic: Sunday Morning Teaching Passage: Mark 1:21–39

Jesus's first day of public ministry in Capernaum was an unforgettable day. But what does this day teach us about who Jesus is? And how should we respond to that news? Join us this Sunday at CrossWinds Church in Spencer as we continue in Mark 1.

Sermon Discussion Questions

  1. In the sermon, Jordan suggested that “astonished” in Mark 1:22 refers to a mix of fear and awe. Have you ever experienced such a feeling? What caused it? What was it like?
  2. What is one thing highlight from the sermon and one question that you had after hearing the sermon?
  3. What do you think it would have been like to be in Capernaum on that Saturday when Jesus began his ministry? What thoughts/emotions/reactions would you have had?
  4. Read Mark 1:21–39. Take a break after each of the paragraphs. What do each of these stories reveal about Jesus and his authority?
  5. Read Mark 1:23–26. Contrast the demon’s efforts to exert authority with Jesus’s. How is Jesus’s authority clearly displayed here? What can we learn about evil spirits today?
  6. Read Mark 1:29–31. In what ways do miracles such as this healing point us toward the cross and the New Creation?
  7. Read Mark 1:35. What is the temptation facing Jesus after he is met with such acclaim in Capernaum? How does Jesus battle the temptations presented to him by the crowds?
  8. What can we learn from Jesus’s commitment to prayer and communion with God his Father?
  9. Read Mark 1:38–39. What was Jesus’s primary mission? How does this differ from the desire of the crowds and disciples?
  10. 10.Why is the response of the crowds to Jesus inadequate? How might we respond instead? What would that look like this week?

More in Mark | The King and the Cross

January 3, 2021

The Amazing Ending Of The Gospel Of Mark

November 22, 2020

The Beginning

November 15, 2020

Courage and the Cross