God's Wisdom for Life's Decisions

April 22, 2018 Speaker: Jordan Gowing Series: Discovering God's Will

Topic: Sunday Morning Teaching

Does the Bible give us any guidance when faced with major decisions? Join us this Sunday at CrossWinds Church in Spencer as we find out.

Sermon Discussion Questions

  1. What is the hardest decision you have ever had to make? How did you go about making that decision?
  2. What is one thing highlight from the sermon and one question that you had after hearing the sermon?
  3. Why is it important for us to begin think of our decision-making less as “finding God’s will” and more as “honoring God with a wise decision?” In what way is this freeing? In what way is this intimidating?
  4. Read Ephesians 2:8–10; 4:24; 5:1. What is the “destination” or purpose of life for Christians? Why is this important to keep in mind when making decisions?
  5. Read James 4:13–16. Here James tells us to submit our decisions to the sovereign will of God in humility. What are some ways that you can cultivate this type of heart this week?
  6. Imagine a friend comes up to you and says that God told him/her it was “God’s will” for him/her to leave their spouse. Based on Scripture and our sermon, how would you respond with love?
  7. Read Luke 10:25–28. What role does love play in our decision-making? Share an example of a tough decision you have made that was rooted in love.
  8. Read Proverbs 19:20. Why is seeking wise counsel from others so important? As a group, come up with a fictional “big decision” (like care for aging parents, a job decision, etc.) and share what types of counsel you should seek out.
  9. Do you have any big decisions facing you? How do the principles found in God’s Word equip you for making such a decision?

*This sermon owes a great intellectual debt to Haddon Robinson's Decision-Making by the Book.

More in Discovering God's Will

April 29, 2018

Following the Early Church in Finding God's Will

April 8, 2018

Discovering God's Will